Thursday, December 29, 2011


I NEVER remember holidays being as busy as we were/are this year. As the family grows there is so many more places to visit and people to see. While it was fun, we were more than happy to come home on Christmas night. This year was an awesome milestone in our little family it was our first child's first Christmas. Landon was so spoiled by his aunts, uncles, grandparents, great grandparents, great aunts.... you get the picture he got ALOT of stuff. This year we decided to make all the gifts. I (April) made a hat for almost everyone in both families (13 total), 5 ear warmers for the older girls, 6 scarves, 2 tutus, and 2 duct tape wallets.Together we went to the dancing brush and painted ceramics for grandparents and great grandparents. It was alot of fun and I think we will make it a family tradition. However, we had this bright idea the 2nd week of December. This gave us approx. 13 days to complete all the gifts. I think we will plan ahead a little better in the future.  After all that I forgot to take pictures of all of it... bummer. I found a couple but I will try to get more.
Great Granparent gifts

Girl's TuTus turned out pretty cute

Girl's hats and  rag scarves

Caleb is wearing the hat that I made him

Maryann modeling it all for me....
Chrismas eve and Christmas day were a little hectic for us. We tried to split up our time between the families somewhat equally. Here are a few pics from all our visiting....

First present

Watching Grandpa's train 

Helping Grandpa build his train

Love how Blaine doesn't care how ridiculous he looks as long as it makes people around him happy :) 
Landon and Uncle William
They liked them... SUCCESS

After a long holiday weekend we were able to spend monday relaxing and just enjoying our little family. Tuesday we got to go see Landon's first cousin Jessie Ann and her proud parents Baylan and Hannah. It was great to FINALLY meet this little girl. CONGRATS BRAYLAN and HANNAH!!!

To finish off the business aunt Cassie came and stayed the night on Tuesday. 

Hate how I look in this picture but I ADORE his face... You can almost hear his giggle. He was loving on Mommy!

Sorry for the long post there is so much more that I could do but I figure this is already long enough. ;)

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