Monday, December 5, 2011

Game day...

A little Family update... Blaine heard back from Cali. and we are NOT going toVacaville. As much as we are willing and wanting to follow God's will wherever he has for us, we are really hoping that He has chosen a place that is not in California! Speaking of places we did not want to go... Blaine has another interview in Utah. At first we REALLY did not want to got to Utah (Blaine considered not even applying for positions in Utah) but after his first interview and seeing how pretty it is there, we are actually kind of excited about the idea. Crazy how God changes our minds sometimes. Just shows us how little we know until we just trust and follow. :)
 Landon is doing better. We took him in this past Friday because of his little seal bark. We came out of the office with an information on "how to take car of croup" and a prescription for amoxicillin for his DOUBLE ear infection.  We NEVER would have known that he was sick. This kid is tough! He did not even slow down. He was a little more needy than usual but other than that he was exactly the same! So he is on the mend and still into everything he can reach.... :)
Yesterday we went to the Grandpa and Grandma's house and watched the Packers game. I am pretty sure more than once Caleb's hat was thrown at the TV and Grandpa Jacques was on the edge of his seat for most of the game. After a couple hours of telling the players and Refs what they should have done, they had no fingernails left and a knot in their stomachs but they claimed the victory... 12-0!

1 comment:

  1. I love the last picture. You guys are cute! Looking forward to hearing where you will be placed!
